Media Release – Te Ohu Kaimoana Chief Executive Dion Tuuta Returning to Taranaki

2020-09-23T04:48:15+00:00September 23rd, 2020|

Te Ohu Kaimoana Chief Executive Dion Tuuta Returning to Taranaki 23 September 2020 Media release Kua hoki te manukura o Te Ohu Kai Moana ki tōna whenua taurikura, ki tōna kāinga papatupu. E te kaihautū, e te kaiurungi, nei rā te reo whakamiha ki a koe. After four and a half years Dion Tuuta is stepping down as Chief Executive of Te Ohu Kaimoana to return home to Taranaki where he will take up the role [...]

Collaborative approach looking at wider impacts to restore Marlborough scallops

2020-09-15T21:20:45+00:00September 15th, 2020|

Collaborative approach looking at wider impacts to restore Marlborough scallops 16 Mahuru 2020                 Despite a 4 year closure to fishing, the scallop beds in Marlborough show no signs of recovery. Fred Te Miha, who's part of the Southern Scallop Working Group alongside other iwi representatives, recreational and commercial fishers, says it's time to look at other causes for the decline in scallops. We support both this [...]

Giving better effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi under Section 4 of the Conservation Act

2020-09-10T21:10:52+00:00September 10th, 2020|

Giving better effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi  under Section 4 of the Conservation Act 11 Mahuru 2020               We welcome the partial review of the Department of Conservation’s general policies as a means of better reflecting the Treaty partnership and what it might mean in practical terms – especially for the way Department exercises its functions in relation to fisheries resources and the marine environment. We work [...]

Representing an iwi view on TVNZ’s Breakfast

2020-09-08T03:31:27+00:00September 8th, 2020|

Representing an iwi view on TVNZ's Breakfast 8 Mahuru 2020                 After a week of passionate debate about the tension between fisheries and sustainability, Dion Tuuta spoke with Breakfast's John Campbell to present an iwi perspective. Dion discussed Te Ohu Kaimoana's role in representing iwi views on policy and upholding iwi rights to be part of the decision-making in the management of the marine environment. Many conversations take the [...]

Representing quality kaimoana from Wharekauri, Chatham Islands

2020-09-03T20:48:02+00:00September 3rd, 2020|

Representing quality kaimoana from Wharekauri, Chatham Islands 4 Mahuru 2020               "Fishing is a way of life" for seventh generation Chatham Islander, Delwyn Tuanui. Earlier this week he spoke to RNZ's Jesse Mulligan about the importance of fishing and working with local fishermen to supply quality, fresh fish to New Zealand and Australia. Delwyn runs a Chatham Island Food Co, a small family business, that processes top quality [...]

Opportunities for world-class, Iwi-led aquaculture in Bay of Plenty

2020-08-31T01:30:26+00:00August 31st, 2020|

Opportunities for world-class, Iwi-led aquaculture in Bay of Plenty  31 Hereturikōkā 2020             Te Ohu Kaimoana was proud to be involved in co-funding and contributing to the Opportunities Assessment Report on the possibilities for a world-class, Iwi-led aquaculture industry in the Bay of Plenty.   On Thursday 27 August Iwi leaders and aquaculture specialists met to discuss the long list of recommendations identified by the report, hear from aquaculture experts and learn from Iwi who [...]

Te Ohu Kaimoana supports the phase-out of plastics for the health of Tangaroa

2020-08-21T06:03:39+00:00August 21st, 2020|

Te Ohu Kaimoana supports the phase-out of plastics for the health of Tangaroa 21 August 2020 Te Ohu Kaimoana welcomes the ‘Reducing the Impact of Plastic on Our Environment’ proposal released this week by Associate Environment Minister Eugenie Sage. "The level of plastic pollution in the oceans is unacceptable,"says Sage. "It is distressing that birds, fish, whales and other marine mammals die from eating plastic which did not need to be made in the [...]

Our feedback on the South East Marine Protected Areas 

2020-08-06T01:56:42+00:00August 6th, 2020|

Our feedback on the South East Marine Protected Areas 6 August 2020                 On 3 August, we provided our feedback to the Department of Conservation and Fisheries New Zealand on the proposed South East Marine Protected Areas (SEMPA). Given that this proposal is about establishing a network of marine protected areas (MPAs) in Ngai Tahu's rohe moana, we have been working with them on this response.   The consultation document identifies several pressures facing the [...]

East Coast Tarakihi Proceedings

2020-08-06T00:25:05+00:00August 6th, 2020|

East Coast Tarakihi Proceedings 6 August 2020 Royal Forest and Bird Society has lodged proceedings against the Minister of Fisheries with 6 causes of action against his decisions to alter the TAC and TACC for East Coast Tarakihi in 2019. The primary claim behind each cause is that the Minister opted to include the Tarakihi Rebuild Plan in his considerations when determining the way, rate and timeframe of rebuilding the stocks. The Minister’s decision [...]

Invitation to Iwi: Māori Fisheries Settlement History and ACE Rounds Discussion

2020-08-06T00:08:30+00:00August 6th, 2020|

Invitation to Iwi: Māori Fisheries Settlement History and ACE Rounds Discussion 6 August 2020 Over the last year we have received a small number of requests from Iwi to kōrero with their kaimahi about the history of the fisheries settlement and ACE rounds. We have now had these conversations a few times and have found them to be really beneficial. For Iwi, they’ve helped to build institutional knowledge within their organisations about the fisheries [...]

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