13 Whiringa-a-rangi 2020









Te Ohu Kaimoana is backing the toroa (antipodean albatross) for bird of the year. We work with the Southern Seabird Solutions Trust to promote bird-friendly practices in fisheries. This includes endeavours to help the Antipodean albatross. They are particularly under threat in waters beyond New Zealand’s Exclusive Economic Zone where feeding grounds and intensive fishing areas overlap.

Winning the bird of the year would help show that Aotearoa really cares about this albatross.  “If New Zealanders make some noise and show they care about this albatross, it will be easier to get traction with the international fishing companies”, says Janice Molloy of Southern Seabirds.

Vote toroa for bird of the year, it could help save the species.

Click here to vote for the toroa.

Photo credit: Fin Cox, Southern Seabird Solutions Trust.