Invitation to iwi wānanga on indigenous-led leadership for our ocean

10:00am Thursday 24 August  2023, Te Wharewaka, Te Whanganui-a-tara | Wellington

Following our Special General Meeting in June to discuss and vote on the Crown’s Kermadec Ocean Sanctuary proposal, there was a directive from iwi to gather together and discuss what an indigenous-led approach to oceans management could look like.

Te Ohu Kaimoana invites you to that wānanga to be held at Te Wharewaka ki Te Whanganui-a-tara | Wellington, from 10:00am – 3:00pm on Thursday 24 August to begin these conversations and wānanga together on an indigenous-led future.

RSVP for Wānanga (click here)

While the Crown’s Kermadec Ocean Sanctuary proposal was the catalyst, this wānanga is not to find a solution for that issue. The purpose of this wānanga is to get our people together to work towards creating an indigenous-led framework or approach that can help guide and determine how to manage the reciprocal relationship that iwi and wider Aotearoa have with our ocean and fisheries going forward.

Attendees are to be determined by Mandated and Recognised Iwi Organisations only, but that does not limit who iwi may wish to send on their behalf to take part in this wānanga (i.e. attendees do not have to work necessarily work for a rūnanga or an asset holding company).

We look forward to seeing you next month for this exciting opportunity together to shape and determine our relationship with the moana.

If you have any questions in the interim, please contact our Brand and Communications Manager, Bede Dwyer via email: or phone: 021-073-9684.