Māori Fisheries Conference 2019

2019-03-11T01:11:34+00:00February 8th, 2019|

Te Ohu Kaimoana is proud to announce that this year's Māori Fisheries Conference will take place on Wednesday 27 March 2019, at the Novotel Hotel Auckland International Airport. Thanks to the backing and support of our sponsors, the Māori Fisheries Conference is launching into its eighth consecutive year and has become the pre-eminent hui in fisheries for Iwi and Māori fishing interests. The theme for the 2019 conference is ‘Te hā o Tangaroa kia [...]

Meri Kirihimete me ngā mihi o Tau Hou

2019-02-08T04:04:16+00:00December 20th, 2018|

Ka rere ngā mihi ki a koutou ngā iwi o te motu, tēnā koutou katoa. E noho whakahīhī ana ahau mō ngā mahi kua oti i a tātou o Te Ohu Kaimoana mō te tau 2018. Tēnei te tuku mihi atu ki te hunga i ngākau nui mai, i whakauru mai ki roto i ō tātou mahi moana. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Iwi for their valuable contribution throughout what [...]

Fourth Quarter Report 1 Hōngongoi – 30 Mahuru 2018

2019-02-08T04:08:58+00:00November 20th, 2018|

On behalf of our Board of Directors, we are pleased to provide you with our Fourth Quarter Report against the annual plan for the 2017/18 financial year. This covers the period 1 Hōngongoi through to 30 Mahuru 2018. Some key highlights from the fourth quarter: This quarter saw Iwi and industry take proactive steps in the interests of sustainability for the hoki fishery with the voluntary shelving of 20,000 tonnes of ACE. Another key focus for us in the fourth quarter [...]

Rāhui declared off Cape Palliser

2019-02-08T03:35:21+00:00November 9th, 2018|

Whiti ora ki te tipua, whiti ora ki te tawhito, whiti ora ki te kahui ariki, whiti ora tawhiwhi atu ki nga atua haumi e hui e taiki e. E nga mana e nga reo e nga karangatanga maha tena koutou, E nga ahuatanga o te ra, nga taonga o te mate e mihi kau ana k ia koutou kua haere ki nga hawaiki, hawaiki nui, hawaiki roa, hawaki pamaomao haere, haere haere atu [...]

New appointments to the Board of Moana New Zealand

2019-02-08T03:03:15+00:00November 4th, 2018|

Te Ohu Kaimoana is pleased to announce the appointments of Jason Witehira and Greg Summerton as new Directors of Moana New Zealand, and the reappointment of Mr Tony Hannon. Mr Witehira is the current Chair of Ngāpuhi Assets Holding Ltd and has a successful background in leadership and governance roles in both fisheries and Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG). During Mr Witehira’s time as an independent director and as Chair of Ngāpuhi, he has developed [...]

Pāua 5B 28N Rights update

2018-10-03T00:04:19+00:00October 3rd, 2018|

We are pleased to advise that Te Ohu Kaimoana and Ngāi Tahu were successful in gaining interim orders to prevent the proposed increase in the PAU 5B TAC and TACC, and reallocation of settlement rights. The matter was considered by His Honour Justice Churchman on late Friday afternoon with interim orders being made at approximately 4.30pm. We note that the Crown consented to the application and did not seek to oppose us on this [...]

Te Ohu Kaimoana Annual Plan & Budget for 2018/19

2018-10-03T00:10:25+00:00October 2nd, 2018|

Te Ohu Kaimoana's Annual Plan and Budget for 2018/19 is now available and can be viewed or downloaded here. Te Ohu Kaimoana’s 2018/19 work programme is grouped to deliver outcomes in the key areas of: Governance and Management Services, Māori Fisheries Act Implementation, Fisheries Allocation, and Fisheries Policy and Aquaculture. During FY18/19 Te Ohu Kaimoana will give priority to advancing the remaining allocation process as far as possible by providing mediation and, where required, legal [...]

Iwi and industry exercise kaitiakitanga for hoki

2018-09-27T04:43:46+00:00September 27th, 2018|

Te Ohu Kaimoana tautoko the decision by fishing industry quota owners to voluntarily reduce the amount of hoki they catch in the new fishing year, beginning 1 October 2018. The industry is proactively responding to observations from fishers that fewer hoki on Aotearoa’s West Coast have been observed (one of five fisheries areas for hoki). Hoki is Aotearoa’s largest fishery, and collectively Iwi, Moana New Zealand and Sealord own 40% of hoki quota. Hoki [...]

Te Ohu Kaimoana supports the Minister’s decision and approach to tarakihi

2019-02-08T03:49:14+00:00September 24th, 2018|

Last week the Minister of Fisheries Hon Stuart Nash released his decisions regarding the management of 32 different fish stocks in Aotearoa for the 1 October 2018 fishing year. Te Ohu Kaimoana worked with Iwi to provide Fisheries New Zealand (FNZ) with recommendations to the Minister regarding all 32 stocks. One of the more topical stocks reviewed was east coat tarakihi. The Minister has chosen to reduce the Total Allowable Commerical Catch (TACC) of tarakihi by 20% [...]

Third Quarter Report 2018

2019-02-08T03:48:01+00:00September 23rd, 2018|

Report for Third Quarter 2018 released Te Ohu Kaimoana has released its third quarter report for Iwi against the 2017/18 Annual Plan, covering from 1 April 2018 through to 30 June 2018. The report has been developed to give more regular insight into the work that the organisation undertakes on behalf of Mandated Iwi Organisations. Of particular note for the third quarter report: We’ve made some great steps forward to strengthen our relationships and develop [...]

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